Kinderwunsch-Meditations Shop



Clearing Roadblocks and calming Anxieties


Often decisive causes of unsuccessful fertility treatments are mental blocks, burdens and stress. Therefore, it is helpful not only to treat the body with IVF or ICSI when you wish to have a child, but also to strengthen your psychological well-being with confidence and trust. The audio files specially developed for this purpose will accompany you throughout the treatment or before you start a treatment.

The subconscious is a part of the human psyche that is not directly accessible to our real consciousness.
Here, however, our daily experienced everyday events, impressions and feelings also personal attitudes and beliefs are stored. This enormous memory is not consciously perceived, but its effects show up in our thinking, acting and feeling. By regularly listening to the Nesting Meditation, you can convey positive suggestions to your subconscious mind, which the subconscious mind deeply anchors as feasible and true and already happening. Since our subconscious mind can make little distinction between imagination and real experience, the concrete visualization of desires sends the signal that this goal is actually achievable. This is also the beginning of the actual process of change. The body thus becomes the translator of our thoughts into reality. The implantation meditation accompanies you powerfully through the exhausting waiting time after the embryo transfer.
Listening to it once is not enough, a real change is only achieved by applying it regularly. The brain needs continuous goal setting to initiate and implement the process. These meditation audio files are designed to be listened to daily over an extended period of time.
- Listen to the meditation at least 1 time per day while lying down.
- If you fall asleep during the meditation, try to listen to it during the first week in a sitting position so that you do not fall asleep. It is ok to doze off dozing off is ok, but you should not sleep deeply.
- After one week you will fall asleep much faster, so sometimes listen to it only during the day while sitting.
- Please do not listen while driving
- You should be in good health to listen to these meditations. In case of acute psychosis, schizophrenia, mental disability or even drug use, the use is not recommended and should be discussed beforehand with the attending physician or psychiatrist.
These meditations do not replace the diagnosis or treatment by a doctor. By using them, you agree to this.
Auf den Merkzettel

Warum handeln wir so?

Das Unterbewusstsein ist ein Teil der menschlichen Psyche, der unserem realen Bewusstsein nicht direkt zugänglich ist. Hier speichern sich all unsere täglichen Erinnerungen, Einstellungen, Glaubenssätze, Motive, Eindrücke und Gefühle. Dieser enorme Speicher wird nicht aktiv wahrgenommen, aber seine Auswirkungen zeigen sich immer in unserem Denken, Handeln und Fühlen. Alle unsere Gedanken spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle.

Wie wirkt Meditation?

In der Meditation definieren wir ein Ziel und visualisieren es konkret. Damit können wir ungeahnte Fähigkeiten aktivieren und Veränderungen einleiten. Da das Unterbewusstsein nur sehr gering zwischen Vorstellung und realer Erfahrung unterscheiden kann, wird durch die konkrete Visualisierung das Signal gesendet, dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Damit beginnt der eigentliche Prozess der Veränderung.

Passieren Veränderungen? 

Sie lernen Ihre Negativen Grundüberzeugungen zu identifizieren und positiv zu verändern. Mit der Audio-Meditation Datei üben und trainieren Sie immer wieder Ihre Entspannungsfähigkeit, nach einer gewissen Zeit (die Regelmäßigkeit ist wichtig) werden Sie Veränderungen feststellen. Es ist eine Technik, die Sie zu einer neuen grundlegenden Lebenseinstellung bringen kann.

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