Fallopian tube permeability

Fallopian tube permeability

If the fallopian tubes are stuck or immobile, this is a blockage in and around the fallopian tubes and the path for fertilization is blocked.

Fertility massage achieves intensive detoxification and purification of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes and may also improve fallopian tube permeability.

"Where there is a will,
ist also a way"

Through their own mobility and complex chemical and physical processes, the sperm cells travel from the vagina through the uterus to the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.
The fallopian tubes themselves are approximately 10-15 cm long, pencil-thick tubes that connect the ovaries and the uterus. Due to its special muscles, the fallopian tube can move in waves and these movements push the egg and sperm cells towards each other. If a sperm cell manages to penetrate the egg cell membrane, they fuse together and the miracle of life can begin...
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